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BREAKING:Biden signs bill to protect same-sex marriage into law amid funfare (VIDEO)

On Tuesday, as he signed into law gay marriage legislation in front of a bipartisan crowd that reflects the growing acceptance of same-sex unions, President Joe Biden invited thousands of people to celebrate at the White House.
The victorious state of mind worked out against the scenery of a traditional reaction over orientation issues, which has frightened gay and transsexual individuals and their supporters.
The new law is meant to protect gay marriages in the event that the Supreme Court of the United States ever decides to overturn Obergefell v. Hodges, the 2015 decision that made same-sex unions legal across the country. Interracial marriages are also protected under the new law. In 1967, the High Court in Adoring v. Virginia struck down regulations in 16 states notwithstanding interracial marriage.
When the legislation was passed last week, Biden said in a statement, “Congress has restored a measure of security to millions of marriages and families.” They have also given millions of young people across this country hope and dignity, allowing them to grow up knowing that their government will honor the families they build.
The signing will mark the conclusion of a bipartisan effort that lasted for months and was sparked by the Supreme Court’s decision in June to overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision that made abortion available nationwide.
Justice Clarence Thomas suggested revisiting other decisions, such as the legalization of gay marriage, in a concurring opinion in the case that overturned Roe, causing concern that the conservative majority of the court might jeopardize additional civil rights.
ALSO READ: Biden will host Macron during his state visit to the White House. Legislators came up with a compromise that was meant to calm conservative concerns about religious liberty. For example, they made sure that churches could still refuse to perform gay marriages.
Additionally, states will not be required to provide same-sex couples with marriage licenses. However, they will be required to acknowledge marriages that take place outside of the country.
Despite this, the legislation was still defeated by a majority of Republicans in Congress. In any case, enough upheld it to evade a delay in the Senate and guarantee its entry.
Biden stated, “Together, we demonstrated that it is possible for Democrats and Republicans to work together to protect our most fundamental rights.”
The event on Tuesday will close out yet another chapter in Biden’s legacy regarding gay rights.
In a television interview in 2012, while he was vice president, he made a memorable and unexpected endorsement of same-sex unions. A few days later, President Barack Obama made the declaration that he supported gay marriage as well.
A card honoring Biden’s comments from his 2012 interview will be given to attendees.
“This is all about a straightforward proposition: Who do you cherish? A decade ago, Biden stated on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” Who do you love, and are you going to be faithful to that person? People are discovering that this is the fundamental purpose of all marriages.
Since becoming president, Biden has turned around President Donald Trump’s endeavors to strip transsexual individuals of against segregation securities. Pete Buttigieg, Transportation Secretary, is the first openly gay Cabinet member, and Rachel Levine, Assistant Secretary for Health, is the first transgender person to be confirmed by the Senate.

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