20 Best Secrets for Losing Weight Fast—and Shedding Belly Fat

If you want to lose weight fast and melt excess belly fat without giving it much thought, the first step is making some simple tweaks to your daily routine. The habits you establish in the kitchen, at the gym, out with friends, and in your overall lifestyle can play a major role in your weight loss efforts, so it’s important to determine what you should and shouldn’t do to keep yourself on the right track. Eat This, Not That! spoke with the experts who reveal their best secrets if you’re looking to lose weight fast and slim down your waistline, so listen up and gear up to fight the flab.

You may think that you need to spend countless hours at the gym lifting weights and following a strict diet in order to achieve noticeable results, but that’s simply not the case. Of course, losing weight and melting belly fat does require time, hard work, and dedication, but you need to choose a sustainable approach you’ll actually stick with—and even enjoy! Keep in mind that you cannot spot reduce, but when you lose weight, you lose it all over your body—including your belly, aka the problem area you’re longing to work on.So keep reading to learn what the experts have to say about how to lose weight fast and shrink your oversized belly. And when you’re finished, don’t miss out on these 9 Sneaky Ways to Lose Weight In Your Sleep


Choose a healthy lifestyle.


Dropping weight begins with your lifestyle choices—so take a hard look at them. Are you getting enough solid sleep and not sweating the small stuff? Are you feeding your body with the right nutrients and nixing late-night snacking or trips to fast food joints? Are you following trendy or fad diets?

One of the most necessary things you can do for your overall health and weight loss efforts is to be mindful of how you’re treating your body and what you’re putting into it. For instance, Lisa Young, Ph.D., RDN, the author of Finally Full, Finally Slim, a nutritionist in private practice, and a member of our Medical Expert Board, explains, “In order to lose weight, you have to create a calorie deficit. A calorie deficit is providing your body with fewer calories than it needs to support calorie expenditure. This should not be done by starving or following fad diets. Instead, practice portion control and choose more fattening foods in moderation.”

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Drink plenty of water.


Water is your best friend whether you’re working out or simply working at home, so fill up your bottle, and get hydrating! And if you’re terrible at refilling, consider investing in a water bottle that reminds you when you need to drink.

“Water is essential for working out, as it can dehydrate you, so it’s important to ensure an adequate amount of water, especially on the days you move your body,” Young explains. “Water can also help with weight loss, as it can help you feel full. Plus. When drinking water, you probably end up skipping the soda.”

Anthony Lenti, a certified strength, conditioning, and nutrition specialist (NASM CPT, PN-1, FMS-1, CFSC, ISSA Bodybuilding specialist) recommends drinking at least half your body weight in fluid ounces. “Water makes your organs run more efficiently and does wonders for your skin, hair, nails, and recovery overall,” he tells us.


Add fresh lemon to your water.


Not only should you stay hydrated—it’s also a great idea to add some freshly squeezed lemon to your water glass! It will make your sips much tastier without a high additional calorie count. Plus, research suggests that lemon polyphenols can suppress weight gain and help you avoid accumulating excess body fat.


Keep the stress at bay.


Stress is truly toxic to your health. As a matter of fact, research shows that chronic stress can not only be a killer, but it’s also directly linked to obesity.

“Lower your stress levels as best you can,” Lenti suggests. “Cortisol is the hormone that regulates our body’s stress response. It is a natural occurrence that helps your body regulate metabolism. If your levels are constantly elevated, it becomes extremely difficult to lose weight.” So carve out ample time in your schedule for the things you love most and activities that reduce stress, such as hiking, reading, yoga, meditating, or even relaxing in a bubble bath.

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Track your calories in a food diary or journal.


This may sound a bit tedious, but tracking your food can be incredibly beneficial if you’re looking to lose weight fast. Your situation won’t change if you don’t know how many calories you’re consuming, so track them!

“Most people either severely under or overestimate how much food they eat in a given day,” Lenti says. “Your nutrition is going to be crucial to hitting your fitness goals. If you eat more or less the same thing every day, track for a week just to see what can be adjusted. Don’t forget liquid calories as well!”


Find small ways to torch calories during the day.


Find little ways outside of your daily exercise where you can torch more calories during the day. For instance, opt for the stairs instead of taking the elevator whenever possible, park your car further away from your errands, or take your work calls while walking around the neighborhood.

“All of these little things will add up to help move along your weight loss journey while not impacting [your] lifestyle that much,” Lenti says. “Most people think they have to do the big gestures to lose weight while totally ignoring the little steps. Every bit helps!”


Take a group fitness class you love.


When it comes to group fitness, the possibilities are endless. From barre to Zumba to hula hoop to aerial yoga, find one—or a couple!—that will get you up and moving and burning additional calories in an exciting way.

“Not only will you feel great after, but you will be a part of a community that will help hold you accountable,” Lenti explains. “I know a ton of people who have made close friends from these classes.”

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Bump up your protein.


Your current diet may be high in fats and carbs and slim on protein. Bumping up your protein is a solid way to help get you back on track in the kitchen. Consider working some of the best high-protein foods for belly fat into your meals, such as Greek yogurt, eggs, pea protein powder, salmon, and sprouted tofu.

“A higher protein diet will help you build muscle while helping you lose weight—it is much harder to overeat protein than carbs or fat,” says Lenti. “You want to aim for one gram of protein per pound of body weight (or the goal weight you want to hit whether that is gaining or losing weight).”


Get more restful sleep.


You’re probably wondering, “What the heck does sleep have to do with losing weight?” If you’re not getting sufficient restful sleep every night, “you are doing your body a lot of disservice,” Lenti stresses. “You could be getting in all of your workouts and mostly be on top of your nutrition, but if you are not getting enough sleep, you will not see much change.”

Science backs this up. According to research, 245 women who took part in a six-month weight loss program revealed that better quality of sleep increased their chances of successfully shedding weight by 33%. Getting more than seven hours of sleep each night also yielded these results.


Strength train.


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